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Wale Apparatus Company manufactures and distributes the finest selection of glassworking tools, supplies and equipment to research and production facilities, universities, lampworking artists, and fusing/stained glass industries. We are located in Hellertown, PA and have been in the glass industry since 1970.
Wale Apparatus proudly provides glass and supplies for the ArtsQuest Glass Studio at The Banana Factory in Bethlehem, PA.
Wale Apparatus Company manufactures and distributes the finest selection of glassworking tools, supplies and equipment to research and production facilities, universities, lampworking artists, and fusing/stained glass industries. We are located in Hellertown, PA and have been in the glass industry since 1970.
Wale Apparatus proudly provides glass and supplies for the ArtsQuest Glass Studio at The Banana Factory in Bethlehem, PA.
Wale Apparatus
400 Front Street
Hellertown, PA 18055
P: (610) 838-7047
(800) 334-WALE
F: (610) 838-7440
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